Friday, October 9, 2009

10 Health Tips

1. Keep your eye health with Papaya Seed
How to maintain eye health? According to dr. Rini Mahendra SpM easy way, one of them is to eat papaya seeds. Why papaya seeds? It is said that papaya seeds contain compounds of lycopene are important for eye health. If you can not bear to think getirnya, then you can eat them with honey added, or as a mixture of tea. In addition it can also be dried beans or roasted and then eaten as a snack. Eat regularly, about three times a day as many as ten points.

2. Tomato seeds Prevent Heart Disease
You like to drink tomato juice, but often throw the seeds? Perhaps after reading this article that habit must be changed. Based on research done Rowett Research Institute in Scotland, found that the liquid or slippery yellow jelly surrounding tomato seeds contain a compound or mixture of substances that works to combat strokes and heart disease. If you drink tomato juice without throwing the seeds, then you have to reduce the risk of blood clots around 72 percent, so you can be protected from heart disease.

3. Do Old dye Tea
The recognized merit for body health. Tea consumption also has a broad audience as a daily beverage. Tea is packed in a tea bag tea powder too. But there is a need to be considered in a tea bag, which is used. The tea bag should not be immersed for too long. This applies to all the tea, green tea-colored as well.
This is caused by the chlorine content of the substance in tea bag paper bag. Substance of this functionality to the disinfectant of paper so the paper will be free from bacterial decay and durable. Paper with chlorine cleaner look. However, large amounts of disinfectants do not differ much with insecticide.
So it is recommended not to dip the tea bag in a long time. If the dip tea bags more than 3-5 minutes, the chlorine will also dissolve in tea. In order to avoid the possibility of disease, should not dip tea bags more than 3 minutes.

4. Gargle When Asthma
Asthma is one of the most chronic disease patients in the world. According to dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, SpP (K), MARS, DTM & H, is estimated in the year 2005 there was an additional approximately 100 million patients with asthma in the world.
Asthma medication is there a salve (reliever), there is also a controller (controller). Asthma medications are most safe and effective is given in the form of sprayed or inhaled (inhalers) for going straight into the respiratory tract, the effect is rapid, minimal side effects, and a small dose.

5. Cut wounds
Little suffered knife wounds to the skin play a cut?
Here are the steps that can be done:
• If a small wound, pressed enough just a few seconds with a sterile cotton or gauze to dry and stop the bleeding.
• Do not dab the wound with cotton because it can damage the wound until the bleeding edge of new increases. Give antiseptic solution to prevent infection.
• If the blood had dried / stop new closed with tape.

6. Fever First Aid
What is necessary is to reduce the patient's body temperature, can compress using cold water, giving febrifuge, also accompanied the body heat pengipasan to evaporate quickly. Kompreskan cold water on the left chest or the crown of the head of a useful lower the heat more quickly. More secure to use febrifuge species of paracetamol, a lot of free sale, especially for children under 5 years of age.

7. Treatment For Dark Circles Around Eyes
Grated potato can reduce the black color in the circle eye. Potatoes contain an enzyme called catecholase, which is often used as an ingredient in cosmetics with skin brightening purposes. Blend a potato and wrap potatoes blended with a clean cloth. Attach directly to the area under the eyes, and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Do not let the potatoes go into the eye. Clean.

8. Reduce Wrinkles in Face
To reduce wrinkles on the face, may be used easier and cheaper way is to use green grapes. This kind of wine is often used as one ingredient in cosmetics anti-wrinkle cream.
But you can make your own anti-wrinkle ingredients, how to cut grapes in half and rub the face and neck. Make sure you menggosokannya in the area around the mouth. Let stand for 20 minutes and wash with water lukewarm.
Do it every day, and you will see changes in your face. Do not forget to drink water at least eight glasses a day. And eating foods rich in vitamin A such as carrots, celery and spinach. Usakan sleep eight hours a day.

9. Apple mask for Oily Skin
This mask is suitable for oily skin, and it was very easy to use.
• One medium-size apple, grated
• Five tablespoons honey
Mix the grated apple and honey well. Apply to entire face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

10. Sauna Skin Face
A good skin care with a sauna one face. All you need is a bowl filled with hot water added with some essential oils to suit your skin type:

Normal: Mandarin and Lavender
Oily: Lemon and White Wood Oil
Dry: roses and camomile

Wrap a towel over his head, and uapi your face with a distance of 30 cm from the bowl for about two minutes. This step will open the pores so the skin is ready for dimasker. You should not do the sauna face if the skin is sensitive, are pregnant or suffer from asthma.
For essential oils, you can buy it at special outlets cosmetics. Mustika Ratu and Sari Ayu also sells essential oils types above.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Coughing is a reflex movement (automatic reaction of the body) in protecting the lungs. If there is a foreign object other than the incoming air or a respiratory stimulus, automatically cause a cough to remove or eliminate foreign objects that cause coughing.

Generally, the cough is accompanied by upper respiratory infections, like flu, colds, where the fluid and sputum stimulate nasal airways.


     * A cough that may be accompanied by sputum expenses.
     * Throat pain and itching.
     * Pain abdominal muscles, if persistent cough.

     * The entry of foreign objects into the respiratory tract such, dust, smoke, or liquid food seeara accidentally.
     * Refinement respiratory tract such as asthma.
     * Excessive sputum production disaluran throat infection, for example: flu, disease bronkithis and other lung (tuberculosis and lung cancer).
Reduce foods and beverages that cause cough, such as fried, spicy, and cool. Do not eat and drink like that as long as cough.


Dehydration is the loss of fluid and electrolytes that the body of excess fluid or electrolyte imbalance in the body.
Dehydration can be caused by loss of body fluid electrolyte overload, because of lack of drinking, diarrhea, or excessive sweating, because they stung the sun hot enough and long.


     * Eyes sunken, the skin is not elastic, dry and dull.
     * The thirst, chapped lips and dry tongue a little urine

Severe diarrhea and vomiting or severe heat stroke, lack of drinking water.


Migraine is a pain in the head which felt very uncomfortable and painful.


     * Pain on one side of the head, dizziness and throbbing like to hit and pulled.
     * Can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting.

It is not known with certainty, can be from several factors, the food is too salty, inflammation of the digestive, hormonal changes, fatigue.

Enough sleep and eat nutritious foods.


Depression is a psychiatric disorder that is mild. Usually the patient feels sad excessive, and often shut himself in silence.


     * Feeling always sad, losing interest in daily activities.
     * Can not concentrate or make decisions, thoughts of suicide or to die, do not want to get along and prefer to be alone.
     * Difficult to sleep disturbance, anxiety and decreased appetite and weight declined. Feeling lonely, worthless and always felt guilty.

Inner pressure (severe stress). both from the work environment, family or friends.
Hormonal changes in old age, especially in women during menstruation or after childbirth, and certain diseases such as brain hemorrhage, psoriasis, or shingles.

Consult a doctor when experiencing depression is always thinking positive and fun.
Sharing problem on the nearest person or someone you trust.

Recognize and Prevention Influenza Virus

Influenza, or what we often call the flu is a respiratory tract infection on. Usually accompanied by high fever (body temperature over 37.5 degrees Celsius), cough and nasal congestion, cough, runny nose and shortness of breath. In adults tend to heal themselves without treatment, but on the children and the elderly tend to be much longer recovery. Flu is very contagious and is spread through coughing, sneezing, and hands are not washed after contact with a liquid nasal / mouth.


     * Fever, chills, fever.
     * Red eyes, frequent watering, muscle / bone pain.
     * Cough, sore throat.
     * Runny nose that may persist for 1-2 weeks after symptoms disappear.

Influenza virus.


     * Avoid places where there were outbreaks of flu.
     * Drink plenty of warm water.
     * Maintain health with a balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate rest.